Better than sex?


Featured Music

Current Earworm

This current one is pretty funny I think, a good laugh to be had.

Previous Earworm

Added May 2, 2023


This is the Projects page, but you knew that already. This is where I keep a list of all my completed and ongoing projects, and trust me, there are a lot of ongoing projects. If there's one thing I'm good at it's getting an idea for something, fleshing it out, and then just losing modivation for some bizzare reason *cough* crippling fear of faluire *cough*. This means that whatever projects that I do have here I'm extra proud of cause they actually got finished, so feel free to check them out.

Most Recent Project

January 21, 2021
The Lab has been published online!

      Keyword here is published online, This little text adventure is something that I made a while ago, but only recently put online cause I thought I lost it, and upon finding it again I wanted to make sure that it was made available. It's a short game, made in an afternoon, not much to it but it has a start and an end, so it's a full game.
      The Lab follows you as you wake up in an abandoned lab, signs of death are all around you as you have to peice together what happened here as well as discover why you're here in the first place. Who knows that horrors await in, THE LAB.

Ongoing Projects

Projects that have yet to be finished.
Nothing in this section is guaranteed to release, but I Hope it does.

      Untitled Time Travel Puzzle Island game. Design Document is wrapped up, I just gotta figure out if I wanna make it in c++ again or finally learn a new language/software,

      Untitled Gameboy Minigame Collection. Using
GB Studio I've made a collection of minigames that are accessed from a central hub of sorts. I'd say this project is probably like 70% done.

      DOS port of The Cabin, another project of mine. This was mainly cause I was instested in learning how to program in MS-DOS. Hard to tell how far along this is.

      Oregon Trail type game, more of a parody of The Oregon Trail. This project had sprites and systems designed for it but never entered the programing stage.

      Point and click serria style game, story and areas were mapped out, and I was ready to start programming, but I am no artist and point and click games are a tad more art-reliant.

Download Links? You Bet!

      Click on the logo above to go to my page.
      Direct Download Links are below.

      The Lab

      The Cabin

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