Better than sex?


Featured Music

Current Earworm

This current one is pretty funny I think, a good laugh to be had.

Previous Earworm

Added May 2, 2023


Welcome to the Music page. This page has information about what music I am/have been listening to. My music taste is pretty spread out, all thats important to me is that the song sounds good and the lyrics arn't annoying. Whenever I find a collection of songs that I think sound nice I'll make a new playlist, these playlits don't work as normal playlists and I would not make anyone else listen to them in the order I have them.

Most Recent Playlist

May 3, 2023
Stuff 108: Stuff is getting silly

      This is a good playlist for me, but not for many others. A lot of goofy music which is something I always dig.
## Songs, #hr ##mins length.
      0 ~ Song Name ~ Artist ~ Notes (if necessary)
1 ~ Song ~ Artist

Previous Playlists

      I'm currently on stuff playlist #107, so you'll have to give me a bit to get these sorted. I'll probably have to make each playlist it's own page, cause these playlist's have every song I've listened to and felt like adding to a playlist since 2014.
      I mean, I've been making these playlists for years, and while stuff #1 only has like 5 songs on it, stuff 40-something has like 80, so it'll be a bit.

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