Better than sex?


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This current one is pretty funny I think, a good laugh to be had.

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Added May 2, 2023


Welcome to the Movie page, I watch a lot of movies, and here you can see what I've been watching lately and some of my favorite movies.

Most Recent Viewing

April 20, 2023

      Let me start off by saying that I love the Evil Dead movies, and this one is no exception, it's great and I love it.
      Plenty of little details for long time fans like me to nerd out over, but also a great stand alone film that someone who's never seen an Evil Dead would love. I've seen this movie five times already and if I could preorder a DVD I would.

Top 5 Movies

      Number 1 ~ Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn
      Evil Dead 2 Movie Poster
      Evil Dead 2 really is the perfect sequel, it's just a shame that so much got cut in an attept to get a R rating only for the movie to be NR-17 at release anyways. Still a great movie, and my all time favorite. Just don't watch it if you have issiues with flashing lights, the ending will get ya.

      Number 2 ~ Falling Down
      Falling Down Movie Poster
      Falling Down is the kind of movie that you'll have to think about to really get a grasp of what you just saw. On the surface it's a fairly straight forward plot and you'll have no trouble following what's happening. There is however so much more to this film and if you do see it I recommend reading better analysis that what I've typed out here.

      Number 3 ~ UHF
      UHF Movie Poster
      It's Weird Al the movie, while I understand that may not be for everyone, it's certainly worth the watch if you're looking for a good laugh.

      Number 4 ~ The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
      The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Movie Poster
      This is pretty much the ultimate western. If you like westerns, or even if you don't you should watch this movie.

      Number 5 ~ Harvey
      Harvey Movie Poster
      Harvey isn't a well known movie, or even a popular one, but there is something about it that makes me keep putting in my top 5. I can't quite put into words how I feel about Harvey but I do know that I like this movie.

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